Tag Archives: History

The Lake Michigan Triangle

This episode of Strange Matters details an area of Lake Michigan that has become quite infamous for a number of strange and deadly incidents.  For more than a century, there have been cases of unexplained shipwrecks, disappearances, plane crashes, and mysterious lights in the sky, all over Lake Michigan.   As the strange stories and legends of unanswered mysteries of the lake grew, the region where all these incidents occurred would be nicknamed the “Lake Michigan Triangle.”  This episode will present a number of the mysterious and dark events that have all occurred over the waters of Lake Michigan.

The Oakville Blobs

This episode of Strange Matters talks about a weird weather phenomenon that happened in 1994.  In a small city in the state of Washington, the people were surprised by what happened during some rainstorms.  Instead of seeing the familiar regular rain, the folks of Oakville had to deal with the sky opening up and dropping “blobs” on them.  What these blobs were has remained a mystery for decades now.  This episode presents the details of what happened when the blobs starting to rain down, and the possible theories that have been put forth by the Oakville citizens to try and make some sense of this strange event.

Mystery Cauldrons of Siberia

In an isolated region of Siberia known as the Valley of Death, there are stories of strange metal objects buried in the ground.  The nomadic tribes of the area who first encountered them centuries ago called these metallic structures “cauldrons.”   The exact nature and purpose of these cauldrons are a mystery.  Some stories say that they were caused by frequent meteorites of the area, some believe that the objects are alien in nature.  Could these objects be parts of space ships, or part of some underground base or structure?  Or are they all just a folk story, and the cauldrons don’t actually exist at all?  This episode will detail possible answers to these questions, as well as detailing the history of these mysterious cauldrons buried in the Valley of Death.

Legendary Monsters of the World

This episode of Strange Matters presents a number of legendary monsters found in various cultures and folklore from around the world. Some of these monsters date back hundreds of years, while others have more recent origins. This episode discusses the history and legacy behind these monsters, as well as some of their cultural impact on the locals.

The monsters discussed within the episode includes the Aswang from the Philippines, The Orang Minyak of Malaysia, the Popobawa of Tanzania, and the Grootslang of South Africa.

Cow Mutilations

This episode of Strange Matters discusses the strange and disturbing trend of cow mutilations. For years, dead cows have been discovered in unnatural and unexplained ways. These cattle remains are often found with body parts removed, their internal organs missing, and their blood completely drained. What is causing this has been plaguing ranchers for decades, as no clear answer has been brought forth that can make any sense of this mystery. This episode covers the history of these cow mutilations, as well as presenting the many different theories concerning just exactly what is behind it all.

The Persian Princess

This episode of Strange Matters presents a historical mystery known as the Persian Princess.  In November of 2000, an amazing discovery was made when a police raid in Pakistan turned up a mummy.  Though already highly unusual, what made this case even more astounding was the fact that this new mummy appeared to be unique from every other mummy ever found before.  This new found mummy was claimed not to be an Egyptian, but instead an ancient Persian princess who lived 2,600 years ago.

At first appearances, It looked as if this was the find of a lifetime.
However, after an investigation was launched to determine the legitimacy of this so called Persian Princess, the story on this historic marvel suddenly would take a dark turn.