Category Archives: Urban Legend

Boy in the Box and The Moving Coffins

The story of the “Boy in the Box” was a tragic yet intriguing unsolved mystery that took place in the 1950’s. A young boy, not much older than 3-4 years, was found placed in a box and tossed on the side of the road. This young lad was carefully placed inside the box and left in the ditch of a country road in Philadelphia. Medical examination revealed that the cause of death was multiple blows to the head however a brown substance that coated the boys esophagus raises many questions. Despite almost 60 years of investigations the identity and story behind this boys death remains shrouded in mystery. Despite many theories, some more convincing than others, many of the investigators have died without knowing what really happened to this boyAmerica;s unknown child




The “Moving Coffins of Barbados” tells of a massive tomb built to house the bodies of the Chase family on the island of Barbados. This seemingly inexplicable story states that upon opening of the tomb the massive led caskets were found tossed about within the tomb without any explanation. Government officials became involved, inspected and sealed the tomb with additional layers of security but to no avail. Years later when the tomb was opened again, the coffins had been violently thrown about the inside of the tomb. Without any possible explanation, the bodies were exhumed and laid to rest in a separate location. What could possibly explain this? TombsCould it be supernatural or possibly some sort of logical explanation exists? Perhaps we will never know, however it seems likely that this mystery could have been fabricated from the beginning. Tune in and learn all about these mysteries in our latest episode.

The Chernobyl Disaster – Aftermath, Myths, & Legends

In this episode Sean & Eric of Strange Matters team up with The Eastern Border Podcast, hosted by Kristaps Andrejsons, to delve into all the strange events and urban legends that surround the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.  The incident at the Chernobyl Power Plant is the worst nuclear disaster in human history so far, as  dozens of workers and emergency helpers died from lethal radiation poisoning and the entire population of Chernobyl and Pripyat were ordered to evacuate. One of the most disturbing facts to come out of this event is that it could have all been avoided if the proper safety measures had been taken, along with the fact the men in charge of the power station were not competent in their duties.

In the first part of this episode we go over the background, causes, and aftermath of the disaster.  Then for the second half of the episode we of course cover our favorite myths and urban legends that have come from Chernobyl.  Ranging from mutated men, government conspiracies, strange creatures, and even alien intervention, we discuss the stranger side of this nuclear disaster.  We hope you enjoy learning and hearing all about the dark history and legends of Chernobyl and its tragic story.

Check out The Eastern Border Podcast and the other shows in the Dark Myths collective by clicking below!

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The Black-Eyed Children

What could be more terrifying? You are in your home late at night… hoping to be alone. Then suddenly it happens… a knock at the front doorstep. You quietly walk over to the door, peer through the peep hole and see two young children, with jet black eyes.

Stories of these “black eyed children” became popular in the 1990’s. Ever since rumors and stories have been circulating and growing on the internet. These children are usually described as showing up in pairs and asking for permission to enter your home or vehicle. Most people describe their encounters as being consumed with an overwhelming since of fear and impending danger. Little is known about what happens if you invite these children into your home. However it’s likely not good. All you have to do, is turn them away.

What are these “creatures” that pose as children? What is their purpose and what do they want? Tune in for this episode where Eric shares a couple of the creepiest stories of the “black-eyed children” around!

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The Bunny Man – Urban Legend

In this episode we discuss the creepy and bizarre tale of the Bunny Man.  This urban legend originates in Fairfax county, Northern Virginia.  This strange story begins in the 1970’s, when several people encounter an ax-wielding man supposedly dressed in a full bunny suit.  In the coming weeks suddenly dozens of people reported having encounters with this so called ‘Bunny Man.’  Police searched the woods around the area but could find no trace of who this man was.

Soon the origin story became known to the public which only caused this urban legend to spread further.  In the early 1900’s a prison bus transporting mentally insane criminals crashed.  One man, guilty of slaying his family on Easter Sunday, escaped into the woods and evaded any police search.  Soon the corpses of rabbits would be found hanging from an overpass, a landmark that would later become known as the famous Bunny Man Bridge of Virginia.  Through the decades further crimes would be pinned on the Bunny Man, including the murder of groups of teens visiting the bridge on Halloween as a scare.

In the modern day there are dozens of twists and variations on this infamous urban legend tale.  Some say the Bunny Man is a wild woodsman wearing rabbit pelts, or a chainsaw carrying lunatic who wears a bunny costume, or a man who snapped and attacks groups of bullying kids who come to his bridge.  Local historians and archivist have worked to debunk and find the truth behind this weird story.  Is there any legitimacy to this particular urban legend?  Was there an actual man wearing a rabbit suit who liked to attack others with an ax? Listen to this episode and hear all about this creepy and disturbing tale and make up your mind!

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